I am so excited to see this new season of Interface. As the new season comes to a start a book needs to be decided to study. I have 3 candidates that I am reading through right now to choose one, but I would love to hear your suggestions. So as the website is still in its fledgling state and there are so many new features to be played with, I would love to suggest using one of these new features. Next to the title of this post you should see a number, click that number to leave a comment on the post. In the comment section leave a suggestion for what book of the Bible we should study for the next Interface. Also I know many are wondering where the shirts from the last season are, I promise they do exist, just where is the question. I continue to hunt them down and the moment they surface I will make sure to hand them out!
What a weird title for a message! But it is an actual sentence in the English language. Many people thought I made it up or that I was crazy, but here is a link to the article that discusses it, along with many other unique sentences. But this message is about more than just the American Bison. We started off by looking at what society was like in the time period Jesus was born. The world was ruled by the Roman Empire and the Caesars were in charge of that empire. When Jesus was born, Caesar Augustus was in command, and he had placed a young warrior named Herod in control
of the providence where Mary and Joseph lived. Now Herod was an evil dude, killing his wife, 3 sons, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, uncle, and countless others. And he expolited the people over taxing them so that he could live in luxury. On top of the mountain "Masada" (on the right) he built a gigantic palace, complete with a pool and store houses. He built the world's largest port, able to handle 300 ships, he build temples, monuments, houses, and even cities and dedicated them to the Caesars. Herod killed anyone who stood in his way and over taxed anyone that didn't. It was a very difficult time
that Jesus was born in.
We also saw last Saturday night a rich young ruler who asked Jesus about eternal life. In Mark 10:17 we see this man who desired to serve God, but refused to make God his priority. During this Christmas season, make sure not to place anything in front of your relationship with God and remember the greatest gift ever given was the sacrifice that Jesus made for you.
Well every year my parents go the extra mile and instead of just sending Christmas cards with lovely photos in it, they write an entire Christmas letter. This year, they gave that dubious honor to my brother. Some may remember my brother from the Weekend (this year's theme is asfOIYB&f% 587%^#39) and he also came to Amped All Night. Well my brother wrote an amazing 7 page Christmas letter that was eventually edited down to 1 single page. I enjoyed the letter so much I figured I would share the portion he wrote regarding me and April. So without further ado, I present to you the infamous, unedited 2006 Liewer Christmas Letter:
Evan&April.....Evan was always a gifted child, but we had to wonder how his videogame skills, ninja techniques, film production output, stunt work, and his knack for lighting things on fire, would ever come together as a career. Let it be known people, dreams do come true, if you only believe. Evan has combined every one of those childhood talents with wisdom, patience, and a passion for the Gospel to create a position where childhood innocence meets adult leadership. And believe me- you will NEVER, see the Word of God taught so pure and dynamic and then seamlessly transitioned to cricket spitting contests or num chuck demonstrations until you witness him in person.
Evan's faith, commitment and reverence have led to two recent distinctions at church. In November, our family, including April's parents, witnessed Evan's ordination at Ocean Hills Community Church, where he has spent the last 3/4 of his life. Secondly, he was promoted to Head Youth Pastor at Ocean Hills Community Church. He must get his teaching skills from his mother and his perseverance from his father. More importantly, we credit April with dressing him, feeding him, and making sure he keeps good hygiene. Evan and April truly personify a Godly marriage and true love. In addition to her support, April has been working as an office manager for a design firm, as well as decorating and renovating their new apartment in San Clemente. In fact she is in the process of adding an art studio in their new garage.
I kid you not, when I first read this I had tears in my eyes from laughter. I couldn't breathe.
This last Saturday was my first night and I had oh so much fun! I want to thank everyone for welcoming me so warmly. And since it was my first night I wanted to bring some friends, Danny and Theo. And in case you were late or unable to make it, Danny and Theo are donkeys, cause what better way to make friends than by having donkeys? The message was from 2 Kings and about the life journey of a man named Naaman. Naaman was an Ish Gadol, which translates to "he was awesome", but he was also a Masora, which translates to a leper. Leprosy was a disease that comes from a word that means to "peel off in scales" the disease was so gnarly that sometimes you would have to pick your dying flesh off your body. So we got to see Naaman's journey and God's saving grace. If you missed it, the message was recorded and you are welcome to download it by clicking the sermon title at the top.
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Second Post of the Day!
First Post
New Frequency messages will be added to the new layout design, but we are keeping the old messages. As much as I would love to merge the old template into the new one, it would take days and days, so instead, click the link to listen to them!