What a weird title for a message! But it is an actual sentence in the English language. Many people thought I made it up or that I was crazy, but here is a link to the article that discusses it, along with many other unique sentences. But this message is about more than just the American Bison. We started off by looking at what society was like in the time period Jesus was born. The world was ruled by the Roman Empire and the Caesars were in charge of that empire. When Jesus was born, Caesar Augustus was in command, and he had placed a young warrior named Herod in control
of the providence where Mary and Joseph lived. Now Herod was an evil dude, killing his wife, 3 sons, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, uncle, and countless others. And he expolited the people over taxing them so that he could live in luxury. On top of the mountain "Masada" (on the right) he built a gigantic palace, complete with a pool and store houses. He built the world's largest port, able to handle 300 ships, he build temples, monuments, houses, and even cities and dedicated them to the Caesars. Herod killed anyone who stood in his way and over taxed anyone that didn't. It was a very difficult time
that Jesus was born in.
We also saw last Saturday night a rich young ruler who asked Jesus about eternal life. In Mark 10:17 we see this man who desired to serve God, but refused to make God his priority. During this Christmas season, make sure not to place anything in front of your relationship with God and remember the greatest gift ever given was the sacrifice that Jesus made for you.
Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo
Posted by
Evan Liewer
Sunday, December 24, 2006