Today is my birthday. As you look to the left, that is a picture of the person I was named after. It is a lovely story of a boy who builds a fort in his room and plays with his pet turtle. No wonder I am so excited about the new Ninja Turtle movie coming out. But, yes today I grow a year older and hopefully a year wiser, it has been a great year and i look forward to seeing what God has planned for me and April this year.
The Robot Uprising is almost here. To help prepare for the invasion, I have made a website with most pertinent information for The Weekend. Feel free to click here to visit the new website. If there are any questions I missed always feel free to email me so that I can answer it and also update the page so others could share in the wealth of knowledge.
I so badly want to share more and more things about The Weekend. Such as specifics for the RoboBowl, the Night Games, and the never before done stuff. But wait, I think I have already said too much... So if you plan on coming to the Weekend, Sign-Up sooner than later so that you can request the group you want to be in.
James 1:19-21 is the transition from James' introduction of his book to the meat and potatoes. We see in verse 19 the Outline of his book: Quick to Listen, Slow to Speak, and Slow to Anger. As Christians we should be quick to listen to one another, not bouncing to get a word in, or to share our nuggget of advice, but to simply listen to someone's needs. Secondly there is a time for speaking, but an appropiate time, and when the time comes we should stand behind what we say. We shouldn't be speaking without putting thought behind our words. Next James tells us to be Slow to Anger, not that we should never get angry, but to only reach anger at appropiate times and God demonstrates to us that we should not stay angry forever. Finally we saw that what influences we surround our lives with will have a deep and lasting impact on our Spiritual lives. We should live as Psalm 1 teaches, to be firmly planted in the Living Water
Be smarter than the fish. Okay, i'll be honest, if I was this fish in that tiny bowl and there is nothing to do except gnaw on that shinny hook, that might be tempting. But I am smarter than the fish (at least I think I am) But in James 1:13-18 we see James teaching us how to overcome temptations. We saw that there are two types of trials, Tests from God and Temptations from the Devil. How God tests us so that we grow and can be closer to His image and likeness, but Satan tempts us in an attempt to have us stumble, to sin and thereby be seperated from God. We also learned that God gives gifts to us and the 4 things that are associated with God's gift giving.
Also if you haven't checked, all the White Noise Photos are on the Photos site (accessible by the pull string or the link at the bootom of the page or by clicking here!