Welcome to Ocean Hills Church

Triumph over Temptation

Posted by Evan Liewer Monday, February 12, 2007

Be smarter than the fish. Okay, i'll be honest, if I was this fish in that tiny bowl and there is nothing to do except gnaw on that shinny hook, that might be tempting. But I am smarter than the fish (at least I think I am) But in James 1:13-18 we see James teaching us how to overcome temptations. We saw that there are two types of trials, Tests from God and Temptations from the Devil. How God tests us so that we grow and can be closer to His image and likeness, but Satan tempts us in an attempt to have us stumble, to sin and thereby be seperated from God. We also learned that God gives gifts to us and the 4 things that are associated with God's gift giving.

Also if you haven't checked, all the White Noise Photos are on the Photos site (accessible by the pull string or the link at the bootom of the page or by clicking here!


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