So instead of creating one gigantic post for all things weekend, I think I am going to do a few posts throughout the week. So to start off with, lets go to the Photo Scavenger Hunt. Now I was not a judge for the Reconnaissance Mission, but I would like to share some of my favorites. I do not know if they got 1st place, but these are the ones that I throughly enjoyed.Get a Photo with someone in a uniform
i like this photo for a couple reasons, mainly the firefighter. Now there was a great photo of a police officer, but I tend to favor this one due to the entire team being in the photo. Also because I think its cool that the Fire Fighter is kinda glowingA ?I can?t believe we all fit here!? Photo
All teams did this photo but I lean toward the ranchers, I like the top down angle and the feelings of crampt-ness.Take a photo with an animal
I enjoy animals and was excited to see the different choices, but the effort it must have taken to capture this bird and have it pose so lifelessly must have taken considerable time, but the expression on the faces are pricelessRecreate a scene from any Disney Movie
This is Ariel from the Little Mermaid. I like this photo because 1 it is very creative, and 2 i like to think Angelina found the fork on the beach. I do wonder if they called it a thingamgig and had everyone sing as the photo was being takenDo exactly what the sign says (any sign can work)
Yeah.... they followed the sign, nuff saidMimic a statue -- fountains also work well
The attention to detail really gets me in this one. The way they folded their hands, held the umbrella, it is almost as if the artist designed the fountain after them and not the other way aroundMake yourselves appear really small
Very creative idea, worked really well and i liked it. Plus the jumping pose they are in is funny unto itselfMake yourselves appear really Huge
There were some very creative entries in this category. But I choose this one for a few reasons, this was the only shot taken at a vertical perspective, it makes sense that to appear Huge it should be very tall. Now there were some funny poses of people with Giant gorillas, but this photo is almost timeless, like the essence of John Wayne is personified in Bryan.A ?Can you find us?? Photo
Now at first I thought this team was cheating. That they just took a photo of some landscape and claimed to be in. But then I saw a lone pair of feet, and then a red shirt. So now I ask you, how many people can you find in this photo?The whole team making funny faces (Location counts)
I laughed, bunch of Christmas people trying to be Ninjas, its just as if the Jr Highers are looking up to their High School friendsA picture of a team member who doesn?t know they?re being photographed
Kelly had no idea this photo was coming, in fact as the story goes she was asking for permission to take a specific photo at someones house, yet they never made it to that house for time reasons... It was nice of them to call before they just crashed someones house thoughTake a photo of your team doing karate in a tranquil location
Karate, check. Tranquility, check. Parrot in the background, check. I choose this photo for its stark contrast. You almost feel as if they are going to destroy nature and inventory in this serene place as they practice martial artsA secret photo of a different team (Better if they don?t know you took it)
I had no idea what this photo was when I first saw it. I thought to myself why did Matthew take such a bad photo of his team. But then I realized, this was an army photo. A photo taken so well that not only was the Christmateers tricked, so was I.Playing on a Playground (Minimal points for Ocean Hills Playground)
This playground shot won for two reasons, first is it is almost as if Kira is presenting her Christmateers to the camera, and secondly the color coordination that is taking place, not only did the Christmateers find a playground, they found one that matched their red and green outfits.The absolute funniest thing you can think of
The humor of this photo astounds me. Ninja's at Pick-Up Stix. I laughed so hard that I forgot the semantics of Ninjas originating from Japan and Pick-Up Stix being Chinese food. That fact didn't bother me at all. One of the sneaky ninjas coerced an employee to allow them behind the counter and sell food. And they did, I saw other photos of this. This photo inspired me so much April and I had Pick-Up Stix the following day and I asked an employee if they would allow ninjas to sell food, he said no.A photo with your leader getting ?Pie?d? in the face (Messier the better?)
Only two teams had the courage and bravery to attempt this shot, and although Lindy gets an honorable mention for purchasing the pie and getting pie'd herself, Nikki wins in for the Ranchers, for the 2 comical faces I see in this shot. Kaytlin and Bryan in the background are quite humorous, but look carefully at the simile on cupcake Carrie. I can tell from her shouts of glee that she is throughly enjoying herself.Photo of your team sucking up to a Pastor or Pastor?s wife
In my opinion this was the best shot of the entire hunt. The ninjas felt that no ordinary pastor was good enough for this shot, they had to move up to the ranks, and since the Pope was too far away they went for Jim Nicol himself. Coming over uninvited they find that Bethany is having a birthday party, but that doesn't stop them from feeding Caroline Nicol grapes and vacuuming her house for her. This is sucking up at it's finest. Jim even tried to retell the story on Sunday morning, but couldnt finish due to the cheers of the ninjas.A Photo containing a cool shadow effect
This shot took me a while to understand, at first I was like mehh, but then it was pointed out to me that this is no ordinary shadow, but rather a recreation of a face, very clever.
To see all the photos from the weekend, check out the photos page!