This week as we start the third chapter of James, we see James focusing on our tongue. A small part of our body, but a part that can control so much of what we do. James devotes this entire chapter to the tongue, discussing how our tongue Directs, Destroys, and Delights. Tonight we see how the tongue can direct our lives and James compared our tongue to the bit found on the bridle of a horse and the rudder found on a ship. Both very small parts of the "machine" but control such a large part. The same rings true of a steering wheel of a car, a relatively small part of the car, but the part that directs the entire car.
If your car has no steering wheel, your car isn't going to go where you want it to go. It will either go straight without turning, or maybe just get itself stuck doing donuts. As Christians we need to be in control of our tongues as they direct our entire life.