Welcome to Ocean Hills Church

Day 4

Posted by Evan Liewer Thursday, August 16, 2007

So day 4 lets see what happened. Still no injuries and God is doing mighty and amazing things. I have really like where the Spiritual aspect of the trip has taken us. Two nights ago I spoke about Psalm 139 and how this Psalm breaks into 4 parts talking about God's omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, and His holiness, respectively. We then shared as a group how we have seen these attributes of God in our lives and in Costa Rica. Last night we looked at 1 Chronicles 4:9-12, also known as the Prayer of Jabez. We discussed how as a team we can pray the same prayer and how God has already answered many aspects of that prayer. Then we discussed what has been hindering us and holding us back from fully serving God. I challenged the students to think about this and we will discuss it later in the week. I have also been blown away by the quality of our morning devotions. So far we have had 5 leaders share their testimony: Bryan, Kim, Billy, Lindy, and Matthew, and they have done superbly.

The teams have been continuing their projects at their respective locations. They have been doing awesome jobs and really making a difference in the community. Team Holla Holla was taught some Salsa dancing by some locals, and in usual style, the girls were excited and the boys watched.

Awards: Brett Schorr (also known as BrettSchorr.com) has stubbed both toes and then cut his heel on something, so he got an award for his accidents. Don't worry BrettSchorr.com's mom, Brett is doing great!
Edward: We took a group snorkeling and swimming out to an island not far off the coast. On the way back I speared a lobster, but it was stuck in the rocks, and Edward was the one who was able to retrieve it. We took it back to the hotel and cooked it, it was mighty tasty, freshest sea food ever.
Michael James: I was told he worked the hardest on his team and did an awesome job setting an example.

Prayer Requests
Tonight is our large youth outreach night. We are inviting people from the community to the skate park for a giant BBQ and skating, and then we will have a time of worship afterwards. Please pray that God is moving at the event, that students are able to leave their comfort zones and outreach to new friends.
Tomorrow we are taking an excursion to Bri Bri (not Brianna) and going to spend some time playing in the jungle, swimming under a waterfall and trying to make friends with monkeys. Pray for safety. Upon returning, one team will be traveling to the skate park and the other teams will be participating in a prayer walk around the town.

Exciting times are upon us and I cant wait to see what God has planned. Side note: the upload rate here is terrible, its worse thatn when i was on a modem speed back in the day. So the newest photos are at a very low quality, but when we return, i will have beautiful large prints and we're working on getting a DVD with all photos for anyone.


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