The Senior Banquet is coming back! What is the Senior Banquet you ask? Well it is a special event we hold for the seniors to honor them for all the hard work they have done and the major accomplishment they did by graduating High School. It is a free event for all seniors and their parents, its catered and it is oh so tasty. It is a blast trust me!
But wait, what is the sound of that, all the under class men sadden that they are not seniors... Well they are invited too! I mean someone has to serve the food :) That's right as the seniors, their parents, and the leaders dine, all freshman, sophomore, and juniors will be dressed oh so lovely and serving us some delicious food. Trust me its fun, I remember back in the day serving at 3 seniors banquets before it was my turn to feast. Trust me it will be a great day.Wait, what is this to my left? Is that the Mexican State Flag? Why would Evan place that here? Well my friends it is because we are going on a mission trip to Mexico. Go back with me in time to a month ago. I stood on the stage and announced the winners of the Weekend would get a free event, well here it is. I will be picking up the cost for any one who was on the Table Tennis Team to go on this mission trip, and I will be announcing the cost for everyone very soon. What will we be doing in Mexico. Well an orphanage is going to be opening very soon and they need some help getting all things ready. And hopefully we will be able to go back and see all the work we did and how it benefited all the kids there soon!
So when is all this happening? Well here is the schedule. Friday May 23rd is the Senior Banquet. After the banquet all students will stick around and we will spend the night at Ocean Hills. Then early in the morning we will pack up the cars and drive south. We will be in Mexico that entire Saturday and return late Saturday night.
Update:Laws have been changing for b order crossing, at the time of our trip the new law requires all people 18 and younger will need a photocopy of their birth certificate and that is it. It does not need to be a certified copy. Those 18+ will need a copy of birth certificate and a drivers license. Or you can bring a passport and that is good for everyone!