Welcome to Ocean Hills Church

Senior Banquet

Posted by Evan Liewer Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ev & April Grad and reception 5.05 034This Friday is the Senior Banquet and it is coming along quite nicely. We have a wonderful group of seniors this year and we need to send them out right! So if you are an underclassman make sure to sign up as a server this Friday and treat the seniors the respect they deserve. If you are serving make sure to wear a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. And not a McKenzie V-neck shirt, but a nice black shirt. And as a server you get to eat all the same yummy food too. If anyone has any questions, just send me an email! To the left is mine and April's graduation photo from Biola. And yes April and I graduated the same year, even though I am 2 years older. I could of graduated college in 3 years, but nope, it took me 7. A lot of people go to college for 7 years. (They're called doctors)


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