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Old Bible

Posted by Evan Liewer Friday, August 15, 2008

So the most serendipitous and wonderful thing happened. I am a fan of really old Christian books. So going to Scotland allowed me to find some treasures. I got a very early (possibly even first edition) of Lectures to my Students, a famous book by Charles Spurgeon. I got a wonderful book from the 1800's of "Coventants of the Covenators" which is just steeped in Scotish and Church History. But today April found what might be one of the best discoveries. In Edinburgh I bought a really old and giant bible. The book is seriously 1 foot by 2 feet, and it's extremely heavy. But I always wanted a really Old Family Bible that families would pass down for generations. This one was dated pre-1808 so I bought it. Well today, April opened the Bible to glance it over and noticed a small inscription that said details at the end of Maccabees. (Apparently this Bible has the Apocrypha in it). Written on a page here was all the birthdates of the family. IT WAS A LOGAN FAMILY BIBLE. April's maiden name is Logan and she is a desendents of the Highland Logans from Scotland. This was their family Bible, that had all their history in it. I had told April that I wanted to pass this Bible down to our children, and their children, who would have known that this Bible was from their forefathers, dated in the mid 1700's? That is God at work there my friends

1 Responses to Old Bible

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. You should know there are no coincidences. Truly a God driven find. Old Bibles are fun but require a lot of care. Looks like her ancestors were Catholic??
    We can hardly wait to hear everyone's stories about the Scotland trip. Don't forget, get your youth involved with the Harvest Crusade events when you get back.


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