Welcome to Ocean Hills Church

Leadership Team

Posted by Evan Liewer Saturday, January 6, 2007

Frequency will begin a new leadership team starting this Wednesday night at 6pm. We are meeting at the top of the stairs where flight crew used to meet. Currently the leadership team is available to everyone, so make sure to come Wednesday, check it out and take a larger role in the minsitry. The leadership will be critical in helping to think of events and ideas, planning things, serving thier peers, and being on the pulse of all things frequency. As you might have noticed, there is a question mark here, that is because there is no name for the leadership team just yet, this will be one of the topics of discusion this Wednesday night. Also some might question what is happening to flight crew? Well flight crew is merging into the new leadership team, so one of the ministries of serving on the Frequency leadership team is helping with flight crew. Oh and yes we will be getting new shirts. And they wont be brown, or dickies, or be large enough to fit two people into them. So make sure to come, you will love it, I just know it.


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