I have to admit, I like Saturday morning cartoons. I grew up watching them and still love them. Growing up watching these beloved shows I always remembered watching "The More You Know" Commericals. NBC would get celebrities from their TV shows and inform the viewing audience about something that people are sometimes afflicted by. The concept was quite simple, if you tell people the truth and if they have as much facts on the situation as possible, then they will make a better informed decisions. This is the same concpet we looked at this past Saturday as we began our study in the book of James. The more we know about the culture, the time period, the audience, the more we will be able to glean from the book. Therefore we took just the first verse, and asked ourselves 3 questions: 1) Who wrote the book? 2)To whom did they write the book to? 3) Why did they write it. So we spent the evening looking at those questions,
so that we we get deeper and deeper in to the book, we will have a better understanding of what is going on.
This series that we are doing through the book of James is called "Life in Motion". James calls us to an active belief in Christ. If we truely believe in what Jesus said and what Jesus did then our lives should demonstrate that. So we shouldn't live stagnant lives, but live in motion, to be in action and doing things. So this is what we will be looking at for the next while, how do we live our beliefs, how do we transform Christianity from a noun to a verb?
update: A new order has been placed for interface shirts and they will be coming soon!