In exactly 1 week, we will be at the airport, getting in line, getting baggage x-rayed, and walking through metal detectors. Remind all your family and friends that I will be once again blogging every day of the trip, keeping everyone updated on how the trip is going, what we've been up to, etc. I've been in contact with Barrett and Amy this week, they are so excited to see, us. We are bringing down some needs for them and the skate park. Also it looks like we will be helping construct houses for Barrett and Ronnie. Both of them and their families are moving to new houses and they need some help. I've been to Ronnie's new house, they have an unfinished building, running water, and temporary electrocity. Barrett just cleared the debris from the ground (by burning it) and they are getting ready for a foundation. Fun things this year. The skatepark is coming along nicely, many who came last year wont even recognize it. We are bringing down some music equipment to install. I got a request that they needed some helmets and skatepads, so I picked up a few. I may have started a war thoguh, I got a Hannah Montana helment, I can just see all the girls fighting over that one