Welcome to Ocean Hills Church

Track the Costa Rica Flights

Posted by Evan Liewer Monday, July 14, 2008

Want to stay updated on our flights and how they are going? Well thanks to modern technology you can! In fact you can see exactly where we are. We have two legs for our trip to Costa Rica, our first flight, Mexicana 901, takes us to Mexico City, Mexico and our 2nd leg, Mexicana 387 takes us to San Jose, Costa Rica. you can click on either flight number for real time tracking, runway details, landing time to the minute, and watch our plane fly over the country on google maps! I'll repost it, but our return flights are Mexicana 386 to Mexico City, and Mexicana 902 to Los Angeles. Also dont forget, I will be blogging every day, so check out the website to see what we're up to and how to pray for us!


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