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Speed of Life

Posted by Evan Liewer Saturday, February 17, 2007

James 1:19-21 is the transition from James' introduction of his book to the meat and potatoes. We see in verse 19 the Outline of his book: Quick to Listen, Slow to Speak, and Slow to Anger. As Christians we should be quick to listen to one another, not bouncing to get a word in, or to share our nuggget of advice, but to simply listen to someone's needs. Secondly there is a time for speaking, but an appropiate time, and when the time comes we should stand behind what we say. We shouldn't be speaking without putting thought behind our words. Next James tells us to be Slow to Anger, not that we should never get angry, but to only reach anger at appropiate times and God demonstrates to us that we should not stay angry forever. Finally we saw that what influences we surround our lives with will have a deep and lasting impact on our Spiritual lives. We should live as Psalm 1 teaches, to be firmly planted in the Living Water


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