Welcome to Ocean Hills Church

Interface Shirts (They really do exist)

Posted by Evan Liewer Monday, January 29, 2007

After hunting through the depths of jungles, crossing oceans, and fighting off wild animals, the Interface shirts have been captured. It took many men and great big nets, but the entire herd has been rounded up and domesticated, so that you may enjoy their beauty and splendor. To the right is a photo of one of the Interface shirts that was captured. The creature that is wearing the shirt is doing a wonderful job displaying the beauty of the shirt. It is a fine (and comfortable) piece of clothing, one that is guarenteed to be worn over and over and over. If you finished Season 3 of Interface (the last fall semester) you will recieve your shirt this Thursday, when we leave for White Noise. If you are not able to join us on White Noise, you can recieve your shirt the following Saturday. If you are staring at the glory of this picture wishing you had this shirt but were not apart of last season's Interface, Fear Not! A new season begins Feb 12th on Monday nights. Registration forms are available and if you sign up, we will personally catch a new breed of Interface shirts and present them to you at the culmination of Season 4!


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