Welcome to Ocean Hills Church

New Website

Posted by Evan Liewer Saturday, January 6, 2007

So the new website has been up for a little while and i spoke to a few people tonight they were a tad confused on the new layout. So i figure I would share with all the secrets to the new website. If you gaze up into the top right corner you may notice a string with a sign attached that reads "Pull". Simply click on this sign and a menu will drop down and reveal a bunch of navigation and links for the site. Heres the trick though, the pull string currently doesnt work in Safari, so if you are using apple's default browser, no matter how many times you click it, it won't open. Rumor has it that apple will fix this glitch very soon, but a problem exists, how does one get to the other parts of the website without that navigation? Well if you scroll all the way to the very very bottom of the site, there are some links way down there for photos, messages, staff, and the calendar. So hopefully that should help everyone out. If anyone still has problems, send me an email or tell me next time you see me!


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